
One Week / 7 Days $22 $27 $35
5-6 Days $23 $28 $36
3-4 Days $24 $29 $37
Next Day $28 $33 $40
Same Day $30 $37 $45
One Week / 7 Days $10 $11 $13
5-6 Days $11 $12 $14
3-4 Days $12 $13 $15
Next Day $14 $15 $17
Same Day $15 $16 $18
One Week / 7 Days $7 $9 $11
5-6 Days $8 $10 $12
3-4 Days $12 $15 $16
Next Day $13 $16 $17
Same Day $12 $15 $16
One Week / 7 Days $75 $75 $75
5-6 Days $85 $85 $85
3-4 Days $100 $100 $100
Next Day $115 $115 $115
Same Day $135 $135 $135

How is Pricing Calculated?

Prices are per page for writing and editing, and per slide for PowerPoints. Pages are written in standard academic format: Times New Roman or Calibri font size 12, double-spaced, and one-inch margins. Each page fits approximately 275 words. The title page and reference page are always free, so don’t forget to leave those out of your calculations!

How do deadlines work?

When you specify a deadline on the order page, we will send your paper anytime on the specified day up until midnight. If you need your paper earlier than midnight, it’s best to order it for the day before to make sure you get it in time.

Please note that if you place an order 12 hours or closer to your deadline, we may not be able to fulfill your request. If your order is placed very close to your deadline, or during the nighttime, we also may not be able to contact you to let you know that we can’t complete the work. To make sure your paper gets done on time, order in advance!